Would you read from a Kindle? What? You don’t know what it is? Check out Michael Hyatt’s video un-boxing of the new Amazon Kindle. I’m not there yet in wanting to spend $360.00 for 16 shades of gray. What do you think – would you use one?
Would you read from a Kindle? What? You don’t know what it is? Check out Michael Hyatt’s video un-boxing of the new Amazon Kindle. I’m not there yet in wanting to spend $360.00 for 16 shades of gray. What do you think – would you use one?
My friend Marty has been raving about the Kindle2 and wants to buy one. He has noted that all of Desiring God books would be available for free in the .pdf format. He also said the unique Kindle2 lighting creates no stress on the eyes.
I personally don’t know if I could ever go all-digital, but it would be fun to have a Kindle2 someday. I still find myself strongly preferring to read the paper version of books versus books in my Libronix Digital Library. I think the same would be true if I owned a Kindle.
Meh. I prefer the tactile, myself. Holding a book, or The Book, in my hands, feeling the weight of it, turning the onion skin pages… some how makes it more real.
And if I have a craving for the digital read… I have the iPhone, have the Bible app, have a few books with the Classics app… so I’m covered there, as well.
Well, Stephen,
You would have to pay for the file to be converted to the Kindle. The cost is a whooping 10 pennys. This would also mean reading the classics for 10 cents that are available in pdf. I could have the entire works of Thomas Boston for $1.20 instead of $360. Well, I better repent of my coveting and continue to work on being content with our great God alone.
Well, since the iPhone just received the Kindle blessing, I do not need to spend another $350.00 for a piece of technology that will not fit in my pocket. I won't have to cart around a Kindle, a phone, a calendar, a task list, an iPod, etc. Wonderful!