For further reading and more extensive information from tonight’s message on the biblical response to homosexuality, I found the The Fall 2008 issue of The Master’s Seminary Journal helpful. I’ve linked to the pdf copies:

“God’s Word on Homosexuality: The Truth about Sin and the reality of Forgiveness,” John MacArthur

“Cultural and Medical Myths about Homosexuality,” Michael A. Grisaniti

“Marriage and Homosexuality: Toward a Biblical Understanding,” Irvan A. Busenitz

“Parenting and Homosexuality,” Richard L. Holland

“The Church’s Response to Homosexuality,” Alex D. Montoya

Also, much of the material in my message on the biblical term used in the NT for “homosexuality” can be found in the following article:

“The Source and NT Meaning of APZENDOKOITAI with Implications for Christian Ethics and Ministry,” James B. DeYoung