Our passage for Sunday is Revelation 5:1-5.
Stop and pray for insight, illumination, and wisdom in understanding and making use of this passage.
Carefully Think
- How does this passage fit with chapter 4?
- How is this section different than chapter 4?
- Can you summarize what you think is the main idea?
- What is unique about Jesus in this passage?
- What is unique about God the Father in this passage?
- Who else/What else is mentioned/emphasized in the passage?
- What is the scroll found in the Father”™s hand? How do you know?
- What do you find in this passage that you cannot understand?
- What Old Testament concepts do you see mentioned here?
Prayerfully Meditate
- What about Jesus is found here that would assist your worship of Jesus?
- Is there a song or hymn that uniquely expresses the worship of Jesus that you could sing, or meditate on?
- What unbelievers do you know who need to comprehend the uniqueness of Jesus? Pray for them by name.
- How could this passage assist you and others in our church this week when we gather together to worship Jesus?
Actively Respond
- What could you do Saturday night and Sunday morning to prepare yourself to worship with God”™s people on Sunday?
- Go to our web-site and download a copy of the bulletin and begin to pray through every element of the service.
- Prepare your mind and heart to be sensitive on how you can serve or encourage someone when you arrive at worship on Sunday.
- From Revelation 5:1-5, is there any sin for you to confess, promise to confidently affirm, word of encouragement to share?
Hi, I made a song to Revelation 5. You can link to http://www.thewordcomposed.com to hear it. Nice read!