This week’s message will be the first of a 2 part series entitled, “Gospel-Centered Living” from Romans 12:9-13.
Carefully Think
- Read Romans 12:9-13. Make a list of what the different characteristics you find here.
- After listing each one, try and write down a short definition of what each of them means. Can you think of any other Scriptures that would help you define them?
- What is the connection between these verses and the ones preceding them?
Prayerfully Meditate
- How could you practically and consciously give attention to so many different gospel-driven characteristics?
- Which ones seem to be most practical to you in your life at the current moment? Why?
- What sin should you confess? Any relationships that need attention? How grateful should you be for the characteristics you do see in your life? Spend a few moments in prayerful reflection, confession, and thanksgiving.
Intentionally Act
- Circle the characteristic that needs the most attention in your life. List the top 3 actions you can begin to take, by God”™s enabling grace, to strengthen this characteristic in your own life?
- Have you seen any of these characteristics uniquely demonstrated in the someone else”™s life? Who? How? Write them a note expressing how grateful you are to see God”™s grace being expressed in them. Or take a minute to have a personal conversation with them and express how you have seen God”™s grace uniquely displayed in their character. Encourage them.
- Pray for those who will be involved in this week”™s worship gathering Pray that they will all demonstrate these characteristics and help the congregation to focus together on God”™s Word.
- Pray for those who do not know Christ to hear and see the gospel displayed clearly. Pray that God will open their hearts to Christ.
- Meditate on the lyrics of the songs we will sing Sunday (found below)
- Listen to the music we will sing and familiarize yourself with it so you can participate well in our congregational singing (found below).
Songs for Sunday:
Lyrics for Sunday:
Morning Service – May 29, 2011