Carefully Think
- Read through the following passages and list everything you find that Scripture emphasizes as a woman’s and/or a mother’s priorities: Titus 2:1-5, 1 Timothy 5:14; 1 Peter 3:1-6; Ephesians 5:18-24; Proverbs 31:10-31; 1 Timothy 2:8-15
- For every item you listed as a priority, list what you find to be modern challenges to these priorities.
Prayerfully Meditate
- How should a husband see these priorities and serve his wife in helping her achieve them?
- How could a single man use these priorities when praying about who to date/court/marry?
- How could a single woman without children use these priorities to serve other women, pray about her own situation, challenge her own heart’s desires?
- If your mother was not driven by these priorities, how could they assist you now in thinking biblically about motherhood? How could they help you in praying for and helping other mothers around you within the church?
- For those who are mothers, which one appears most critical for you to apply now?
- For those whose children are grown, how could you use these priorities in helping younger mothers or women before marriage and children?
Intentionally Act
- Were any sinful tendencies revealed to you about your involvement in your home that you need to confess to God?
- For mothers, list out the actions that would be most appropriate for you to take in bringing your life in line with Scripture. Use this list for prayer. Use it in conversation with a godly older mother for input on how to apply them. Begin taking steps not to implement this list in your life.
- For those who are not mothers (both women and men), how could these priorities affect you in your situation in life for prayer and behavior? What do you need to change about your expectations? What do you need to change in terms of embracing God’s providence as good in your present situation?
- Pray for our service on Sunday to be used of God to encourage where most appropriate, convict where necessary, and unify families.
- Pray for those leading the service, that they will be used in a most edifying way: Dawson Bryant, music; Brett Harris, elders’ prayer and Scripture reading; Bret Capranica, teaching.
Sunday’s Songs
A Mighty Fortress Is Our GodPsalm 62
How Sweet and Aweful Is the Place
All I Have Is Christ
The Gospel Song