Carefully Think
- Read Matthew 5:31-32
- Where did this instruction originally come from in the Old Testament?
- What is the connection between 5:31-32 to 5:27-30?
- What is the connection between 5:31-32 and 5:17-20?
- Is Jesus contradicting what was said in the OT by his statement in 5:32? Why or why not?
- Who are the various parties that Jesus indicates are guilty of sin in 5:32?
- Why would divorce and remarriage except on the grounds of immorality cause someone to commit adultery?
Prayerfully Meditate
- Divorce is a prevalent and painful subject in our society. What are some of the modern day challenges with what Jesus says about divorce in 5:31-32? Why are they so challenging?
- What is Jesus saying about marriage in these verses?
- Why would immorality be legitimate grounds for divorce?
- Read 1 Corinthians 7:10-24. What grounds for divorce does Paul give?
- Read Matthew 19:1-9. What are the similarities and differences to 5:31-32?
- In light of the above passages and considerations, what elements would make for a stronger marriage?
- If you or someone you know has pursued divorce for unbiblical reasons, how could you helpfully serve them?
- How could you help a person who has legitimate grounds for divorce think through their heart attitudes and approach to the situation?
Intentionally Act
- Has God put anyone on your heart in thinking through these issues? Pray for them to have a heart for God and a desire to obey His word. Plan a time to talk with them about what God’s word says on the issue.
- Do you and your spouse need to talk through what would make for a stronger marriage relationship? What are the issues of weakness now? What could you do to make it stronger?
- Pray for the many people who will be impacted by the message on Sunday. Pray the church will be edified. Pray that people will be helped, encouraged, and convicted where most needed.
- Pray for those leading the service on Sunday: Dawson Bryant, music; Rob Stouffer, Elders’ prayer and Scripture reading; Bret Capranica, teaching.
- Prepare your heart to sing with the church with the songs and lyrics below.
Sunday’s Songs
HosannaGreat Things
Nothing But The Blood
Compassion Hymn
Jesus Lover Of My Soul
MajesticJesus Paid It All
None But Jesus
O Great God