For those attending Summit Woods Baptist Church this Sunday, here are a few ways to prepare.
Carefully Think
- Read through Daniel 7. How was the imagery of Daniel’s vision interpreted for him in 7:15-27? Make a list of what you learn?
- What is God’s role in the events described in this vision?
- What phrases do you see in Daniel 7 that would give any indication as to the timing of these events?
- Read Daniel 8 – how does this vision differ from the one in chapter 7 in terms of its interpretation?
- What does Daniel 10 suggest about the unseen spiritual world and earthly affairs?
- What does all of the vast detail in the vision of chapters 11 and 12 reveal about God’s sovereignty over the affairs of history and the future?
- What indication do you see in Chapter 12 that these events are yet future?
Prayerfully Meditate
- What effect should the kind of detail about historical and future events, like those described in Daniel 7-12, have on your view of God? Your choices? Your anxieties? Your confidence?
- How should Daniel’s description about the world’s future impact how we view what is happening in our culture now? What would a God-centered response to our own cultural changes be in light of what we read in Daniel?
- How could Daniel’s prayer in chapter 9 assist you in your own approach to confessing sin?
- How could Daniel’s prophecy as a whole assist you in praying about the coming of Christ?
Intentionally Act
- Pray for Christ’s soon coming. How would he find you if the events of his coming were to begin now? What should change in your approach to thinking about culture and life?
- What further study would assist you in becoming more firm in what you believe about the events related to Christ’s return?
- Pray for those who will be attending this Sunday who do not know Christ. Pray they will have a conviction of sin and a longing for Christ.
- Pray for those who know Christ who will attend Sunday. Pray they will be encouraged and convicted appropriately and that eternal changes take place this Lord’s Day.
- Pray for those who will be leading the service – that they will edify the body and assist us in worshiping Christ as one: Dawson Bryant, music; Mark Krystyniak, Elders’ Prayer and Scripture Reading; Bret Capranica, teaching.
- Meditate on the lyrics to the songs we will sing on Sunday and listen to them to make yourself familiar not only to the tunes, but to the lyrics as we anticipate singing them together.
Songs for Sunday
Morning Gathering
- Your Words of Life
- Come Thou Almighty King
- We Will Glorify (Video)
- See, He Comes
- My Heart Is Filled With Thankfulness (Video)
Evening Gathering
- Hosanna (Video)
- Majestic (Video)
- Jesus Paid It All (Video)
- None But Jesus (Video)
- O Great God (Video)
Morning and Evening Gathering – September 8, 2013 by Summit Woods Baptist Church