Day Two – SBC 2008

The Convention is officially over. I sit here in my hotel room thinking through my reaction to the day and to the Convention meeting in Indianapolis in general. First – a recap of the day’s activities. Thankfully, Justin and I did not have to be at any early meetings. Neither of us has had much sleep since we left, so it was good to sleep in until 6:30 a.m. (3:30 a.m. on my internal clock). First was a quick breakfast at the local Steak and Shake! Steak and Shake is the official theme of our meal times. We had lunch there yesterday, breakfast and dinner there today. It was close and reasonable – and we had great fellowship at each meal! We made the Convention hall as new business was being finished up and the resolutions were beginning to be handled. The first five resolutions were affirmed without discussion. Resolution six was the big one of the morning. In fact, it dominated the time for the remainder of what was allowed for consideration of resolutions. Resolution six was in regard to “Regenerate Church Membership and Church Member Restoration.” The Resolutions Committee noted that they tried to combine five different resolutions into one that contained the high points and sense of all of them. Malcolm Yarnell was first up to bat in offering an amendment that would include a more clear statement regarding the Baptist distinctions of believer’s only baptism, the Lord’s Supper and church discipline in defining a New Testament church. With a few moderations, Dr. Yarnell’s amendments were adopted. The most significant amendment to the resolution was by...

Time Management Guru-itis

Tim Ferriss responds to a recent critic and in doing so, gives some excellent comments on time management and lowering the barrage of information overload.  I especially liked his suggestion and visual of how The Four Hour Workweek, GTD and Franklin Covey can be combined. Time Management Guru-itis: Mark Hurst vs. David Allen and Tim Ferriss | The Blog of Author Tim...

Day One – SBC 2008

Honestly, I should be sleeping. I have had little sleep since this trip began. Yet, I never do very well about getting to bed at a decent time when in the Eastern Time Zone. So, here are a few thoughts on the first day of the SBC. Justin and I began our day by attending the Founders’ breakfast. We sat with people from Missouri, Maryland, Illinois and Texas (all hail the Republic!). Eric Redmond did an outstanding job. He preached from 2 Chronicles 34 and Josiah’s finding the law of God. It was a message about assuming biblical righteousness when our actions may not be based upon the Scriptures themselves. He pointed out that Josiah was doing some good things throughout his early days as the King of Israel, especially in squashing idolatry. However, it was not until later in Israel’s history that he actually “found” the law and repented. Redmond noted that all of his previous reforms were not necessarily built on the authority of Scripture, but merely upon religious assumptions. He eloquently warned the Convention that we need to make sure we are acting on the actual commands of Scripture and not merely our religious precedent. Founders indicates that they will have the message up online – you should make it a priority to listen to. The Gaither Vocal Band was entertaining, but sorely lacking in biblical authority – they should have first attended the Founders’ Breakfast before singing, “Somewhere Between Jesus and John Wayne.” Honestly, do we really want to elevate John Wayne and denigrate Jesus this way? But, I digress . . . Morris Chapman...

The hardest aspect of pastoral ministry (part two)

Dan gives some important and salient points about the inability to successfully measure the success of a pastor’s ministry this side of eternity.  Like him, I too noted with conviction Ligon Duncan’s statement at T4G that pastors are often looking for an interim report card on their ministries.  We will not find one. Pyromaniacs: The hardest aspect of pastoral ministry (part...