How Shall We Then Facebook?

How Shall We Then Facebook?

Face it, Facebook (I use this as a moniker for all social media, i.e., Twitter) is a part of our culture and it is not likely to go away any time soon. Like money, the love of Facebook is the root of many evils, and yet, at the same time, it has the potential to be used for the glory of God and the heralding of the gospel. I am intrigued, overjoyed, and discouraged by Facebook’s social influence. I have lists of friends, church members, family members, co-workers, high-school friends, fellow pastors, theologians, churches, etc. I check in on some of these lists regularly just to see what’s going on in the lives of people I know – know of – or wish I knew. Again, it can be joyfully encouraging or a colossal waste of time and instantly discouraging. A friend recently sent me a note in which he was seeking advice in guiding one of his children through the decision on whether he would allow her a FB page or not. I immediately thanked God for having children who are young enough to make this request a non-issue in the Capranica home at this point. My friend’s child came up with a list of what she would not do on the page if and when allowed to have it. Good list, but it had me thinking. For some reason, Facebook has evoked an “I will not” response because it has such a potential for producing what is unhealthy. What about the “I Will’s” of Facebook? A host of “I Will Not’s” is perhaps necessary, but we often...

Cap-Review: The Pastor As Scholar/Scholar As Pastor

The blend of a pastor and a scholar is a helpful one for the church. Though the average churchgoer may not immediately sense it, a Scripturally deeper pastor makes for a more Scripturally robust people. The blend of a scholar and a pastor is equally helpful. Those of us who have been to seminary know the personal value of having shepherd-hearted scholars who sharpened us while grilling us in the details of grammar and plunging us into reams of reading. While many church-goers may not know it, such scholars have blessed their congregations as well as their pastors. John Piper and D. A. Carson may be two of the best modern examples of pastor-scholars and scholar-pastors. The book they have produced, The Pastor as Scholar and The Scholar as Pastor is an encouraging biographical exhortation from these two men as to how ministry and scholarship have been blended in their respective ministries. Pastors and church members would do well to read this short volume. The contents of the book were first produced as lectures at an event sponsored by The Gospel Coalition. Owen Strachan and David Mathis contribute an introduction and conclusion respectively, and were instrumental in the event that was the genesis for the book. The book contains primarily biographical descriptions from Piper and Carson on the providential work of God to challenge them in terms of academic excellence and pastoral practicalities. Piper’s chapter on “The Pastor as Scholar,” biographically chronicles his own pilgrimage from childhood to doctoral studies in Germany, to pastoral ministry in Minneapolis. The chapter demonstrates the potential pitfalls of what some pursue as academic...

Tweets for 2012-04-28

@coneal2 @jayhawkfan2014 awesome Tyler! Tell Senator Stouffer hello for me! in reply to coneal2 # @jayhawkman826 I suggest you mention that to one of those big truck guys. Lemme know how it goes 😉 #dontmesswithtexasboy in reply to jayhawkman826 # @jayhawkman826 hahaha! But you haven't said anything to one of them yet either… #dontmesswithtexasboy in reply to jayhawkman826 # Wait a minute, I just put the long sleeves away! No worries, tomorrow will be 80. #mizzourah # Michael Gerson Gets the Measure of the Man # Dave taking in his first Royals game-can hardly contain all the kids' excitement! # 3 new fans-no matter what the score! # Yeah Slugger with the girls and some random dude who jumped in. # "Aren't the Royal's colors the same as the Cowboy's colors? Is that why you like them?" said my observant wife. Close dear. Close. # but it is God who executes judgment, putting down one and lifting up another. # @jayhawkman826 how well you know me… in reply to jayhawkman826 # @coneal2 @ghotihook85 major bummer-there were moments when we had a glimmer of hope…but we had a great time anyhow. in reply to coneal2 # @coneal2 @ghotihook85 he was a little intimidated at first-but was yelling with the rest of us by then end. in reply to coneal2 # @jayhawkman826 Go get it bro! Praying it's your best. in reply to jayhawkman826 # Catching up on e-mail while listening to @SovGraceMusic 's new album, "From Age to Age"-a most encouraging way to dig out. # for the @SummitWoodsBC family: Re-affirming 2 of our...

Tweets for 2012-04-21

Together for the Gospel 2012 #T4G12 All the video and audio recordings of the conference are available here. # One of the Best Sermons on Missions You’ll Ever Hear – Justin Taylor # Free Stuff Fridays (Indellible Grace music) # Once again, God has seen fit to use this place and this time of year in some of the most providentially moving ways. # @Rick_Holland the joy is all mine-and Kansas City's! Blessed to have your fellowship and serve alongside you. in reply to Rick_Holland # Let the Creator’s praise arise Let our Redeemer’s name be sung Through every land, by every tongue. #SWBCSunday # there's no other God I call to You are the One that I cling to You are forevermore. #SWBCSunday # Amazing grace! how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost but now am found; Was blind, but now I see. #SWBCSunday # My chains are gone, I’ve been set free My God my Savior has ransomed me And like a flood, His mercy reigns. #SWBCSunday # There is an everlasting kindnessYou lavished on us When the Radiance of heaven Came to rescue the lost #SWBCSunday # And with compassion for the hurting, You reached out Your hand As the lame ran to meet You And the dead breathed again #SWBCSunday # What boundless love, What fathomless grace You have shown us, O God of compassion! #SWBCSunday # How beautiful the feet that carry This gospel of peace To the fields of injustice And the valleys of need #SWBCSunday # We stood beneaththe cross of Calvary...