Mohler’s Lessons

Dr. Mohler lists a number of lesson he has learned from his recent physical trial. Listen to his radio show from yesterday for more. Lessons Learned in a Crisis of...

Expository Convictions – part 7

Exegeting the Text Welcome to my neurosis. I again offer these posts as “the way I do it,” not as “the way it should be done.” So, here’s the beginning of the study process for me. I begin my study of a passage each week (rarely am I more than a week ahead in preparation) by translating the paragraph or pericope from its original language. Here’s where my seminary training has been most helpful. I copy and paste the text (Greek or Hebrew) into a blank page in MS Word (more on Bible software later – I use Libronix and Bible Works). I will triple space the text and print it out. I then move through each word, translating it in its basic definition, parsing each verb, while circling and noting any significant issues I will need to follow up on syntactically and/or lexically. So that I can see them at a glance, I underline each verb (or verb form) with a red pen. I do this so I can quickly focus my attention on the action of the text, seeing if it is more descriptive (indicatives) or prescriptive (imperative), or the type of action emphasized in a narrative text. I print it out so that I can take it with me and review it and work with it wherever I go (church office, home study, freeway . . .). After my initial run through the text, I write out a fresh working translation. On my Word document, I insert a section break after my Greek or Hebrew text, and then write out the translation. The purpose in my...

Blogging Hiatus

For my faithful band of four readers, I apologize for the hiatus from THE CAPRANICA.  I spent the week last week doing research for my doctoral project.  I will probably be taking another week to continue research for the project next week. I am also in a planning session with my other pastors (yesterday and today) and have a ton of financial work to do for our church in the next few days, as well as prepare for Sunday.  So, my aim is to put up a few posts on preaching and try to link n the Short Caps section some items I’ve found interesting.  Happy...