by Bret Capranica | Apr 20, 2006 | Ecclesiology, Pastoral Ministry
Here are a few more thoughts regarding training for pastoral ministry (Note past articles HERE and HERE). In a few previous posts, I suggested that the local church was essential for adequate formal pastoral training. I don’t think local church involvement in formal theological training is merely a good idea. I believe it is essential. In other words, if all one has received is a degree from a formal theological institution without specific input, accountability, involvement and approval from a local church, more than likely, he is not ready to begin serving as a pastor. As I have stated before, I am pro-academy when it comes to theological training. There are areas of ministry of which the academy can train to a deeper degree than the local church. However, in my estimation, the number of such areas is few. Just to throw a few more bones out to gnaw on, I want to propose some areas of ministry training that the academy can serve best and those they can not and should not assume for themselves: WHAT THE ACADEMY DOES BEST Training in the biblical languages. Use of the biblical languages in the details of exegesis. Equipping a student for a ministry of professional scholarship (a teacher in a theological institution). Providing an environment of concentrated study and academic evaluation. WHAT THE ACADEMY IS NOT DESIGNED TO DO Determine if a man is qualified for, or called to the ministry. Even the best of theological institutions is not designed for (and should not be) evaluating a man’s life in terms of character and overall preparedness for pastoral ministry. Perhaps...
by Bret Capranica | Apr 19, 2006 | Biblical Studies, Pastoral Ministry
Biblical Foundations » Children of Elders: What Are the Requirements? Dr. Kostenberger gives a brief discussion of what can be a very difficult issue. It seems that he indicates that pastors are not required to have “believing” children in order to be qualified, but “obedient” children. Would not the latter be the sign of the former? Or is it fair to say that Paul is not definitely making a comment on the salvific nature of the child but on the child’s outward behavior. Determining if this deep seated rebellion to parental authority is in fact an expression of unbelief may be the consequent consideration, but not the defining one for whether a man is qualified to serve as a pastor. Just a...
by Bret Capranica | Apr 19, 2006 | General Theology, Humor
Manila Drive: The Semi-Pelagian Narrower Catechism This is funny! Would be funnier if it were not so accurate. HT: ...
by Bret Capranica | Apr 19, 2006 | Humor
Confessions of a Pastor: Have you ever laughed when you shouldn’t? I have had one class with Dr. York and was exposed to his great sense of humor only for the span of five days. Oh that it could have been more. I needed this laugh today. It’s so funny because it’s happened to all of us and watching the video makes you pray for omnipotent help for the inevitable next...
by Bret Capranica | Apr 19, 2006 | Pastoral Ministry
Together for the Gospel What is your plan to read and study? Written primarily to pastors, but beneficial in part for anyone, C. J. Mahaney points out that we need to attack our week before it attacks us by planning ahead of time when we will study and read. As always, the material on reading and study from the T4G guys has been...