Johnson Wrighting the IMonk’s Wrongs

Pyromaniacs: The Wright Stuff Phil Johnson posts a bit of his past interaction with Michal Spencer (Internet Monk) over N. T. Wright and the New Perspective debate.  I’m sure we’ll be hearing some more “anti-MacArthur-pro-Wright” rhetoric over at the BHT due to this post by Phi.  I haven’t followed all of the BHT rants on the “Wright-Borg resurrection issue,” but why isn’t Brother Spencer ranting against Mohler who made some very public statements about these...


Independent Online Edition > Americas Justin Taylor links this UK article of a reporter who went underground to discover the in’s and out’s of Scientology. From what I hear, L. Ron Hubbard used to live right here in Hemet-San Jacinto, CA (in case you were unaware, that is the same locale of The Capranica – though we sport very different religious convictions). They have a major retreat center in our area, where presumably, some of the Hollywood stars who are sunk into Scientology have sunk a good chunk of their money. They are quite secretive and have a very high tech security system around their property. The compound also includes a movie studio and beautiful golf course. All of this to say, next to some charismatics, they have a good corner on how to develop a religion for the purpose of manking...

Welcome to The Capranica Redux

Here we go once again! I made the move to WordPress a number of weeks ago, utilizing their free hosted site. However, in order to use the full features of WordPress and customize it yourself, you need your own domain to host the blog. So, with a ton of help from the company that hosts our church site, I moved The Capranica to a more permanent address. Welcome, and let me know what you think of the new look and features. Of course, I will continue to work on it – it’s been a good distracting hobby. Again, HERE, the new feed for the...

So It Was Judas Who Got It Right?!

The four canonical Gospels have been scrutinized for centuries. Every word, every letter of every page of each Gospel has been examined. Seminars have been held where so-called scholars vote on which words and phrases were actually said by Jesus. Amazingly, the Gospels have held their own for all of these centuries. The scrutiny has only demonstrated their resilience and I would say further corroborate their inspiration. However, when a 2nd (possibly 3rd) century gnostic ‘Gospel’ is found that discounts the accounts of the highly scrutinized and well testified canonical Gospels, the world is eager to accept it as truth and fact with very little scrutiny. Liberals and unbelievers who don’t want to accept the canonical Jesus are eager for any alternative. And now they have one. The Gospel of Judas makes Judas out to be a hero – a man helpful in fulfilling Jesus’ personal plans for the cross. It is interesting to listen to the well educated scholars speak of this ‘Gospel.’ They immediately begin pointing to the idea that the canonical Gospels are stories told through the propaganda of the early Christians and is therefore not historically reliable. However, this new ‘Gospel’ dating at least one hundred to one hundred and fifty years after the last apostle (who personally knew Jesus), is immediately portrayed as a more objective and less ‘Christianized’ (understood as distorted) account of what ‘really’ happened. Once again, we have evidence of the effects of the Fall on the will of mankind. Evidence and objective criteria for rational belief are not the elements missing for most people that would drive them toward belief....