We Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet

Chief Justice William Rehnquist has died at age 80. He said he would serve until his health did not permit him to any longer. That he did indeed. The confirmation of John Roberts will pale in comparrison with the struggle that will ensue for President Bush to appoint not only another justice to the high bench, but the most influential justice. The cultural battle is about to heat up to a fever...

Hurricane Immorality Slams the Left Coast Again

Despite 61% of the state voting to define marriage as between a man and a woman only, the California Senate has just voted to allow homosexuals marry. Not domestic partnerships (the politicians way out), but marriage. This is the first legislative body in the U.S. to accept homosexual marriage. The moral devastation of our state grows increasingly worse. However, I’d rather serve Christ here than anywhere else is the country. We do not have a cultural Christianity like the South. Everyone is saved in Texas (at least they think they are). Here in sunny CA, Christianity is not publicly popular. It is not expected that a young person be baptized and join a church early on in life. So, one more moral hurricane has hit us here on the left coast. Pray for the continued spread of the gospel. Our political processes are proving to do nothing to stem the rising flood waters of immorality here in the heartland of liberal...

More on New Oreleans Seminary

Baptist Press released a report yesterday about the impact Katrina has had on New Orleans Baptis Theological Seminary. According to the report, classes will not resume at the campus for at least a year. The picutres of the campus are sobering. Al Mohler notes the BP report and links to a satelite photo of New Oreleans that you can zoom in and view the recent...

It’s Frivolous Friday and Another Villa Update

We have a date, ladies and gentlemen. Monday, October 3, the new Villa will arrive and be dropped off to its permanent location. Speaking of the new Villa, before we discuss our progress, let’s discuss what the incoming dwelling is like. It is made by Palm Harbor Homes in Tuscon, Arizona. It’s official name, before we renamed it The Capranica Villa, is the “El Presidente.” Oooohhhh. What a name. Here’s a link to the specs. We first saw a model of the home here through a local dealer and we have since taken the tour of the factory and visited numerous other dealers to see various models of the home. Because of county law we had to have the house shrunk about a foot and a half, making it just under 2900 square feet. The entry opens up to the living room with two neat little niches greeting you. To the right of the entry is the doorway to the master bedroom which spans the entire right side of the house. It includes a spacious retreat, bathroom and bedroom sized closet. The living room is complete with fireplace (gas and woodburning). At the back of the living room and to the left is what we will use as a breakfast nook. To the left of the entry is the opening for the dining room. Between the dining and the nook is the spacious kitchen with walk-in pantry. Left of the Kitchen, nook and dining is the lengthy family room which leads to three other bedrooms and a utility room. One of the bedrooms has its own bathroom inside of...