What’s Wrong With the New Procedure?

The Washington Post creates a story discussing Harvard scientists using human skin cells to produce embryonic cells. The entire story downgrades the progress of the Harvard procedure. NOTHING positive is said about the study. The most negative part of the Harvard project, according to the Post is the fact that it will likely make politicians more cautious about approving legislation that will involve the use of days-old human embryos [aborted fetuses]. Facinating. I had the feeling while reading the article that it did not matter what the scientists could do or find through this new breakthrough – fetuses must be killed for the common good. I sense a political ideology within the Post’s advocated skepticism. True, there is more to be done with the new study, but why disparage...

Friday’s Frivolity

For this frivolous Friday post I present, as promised, an installment on the progress of The Capranica Villa. Previously you saw the acquired property in its beginning stages: weeds towering above my 5’9″ frame, and who knows what hidden beneath them. My pocketbook requires that my wife and I do the majority of the work rather than hiring it out. My schedule requires that only on some Friday afternoons, but mostly on Saturdays, the work be accomplished. Our first task: take down the giants. The weed-whacking proved to be a multi-week project in scorching heat. Not only did we find a sprinkler system that mirrored a Southern California freeway (long and backed-up), we also discovered that Oscar, the boisterous and big German Shepherd next door goes absolutely crazy at the sound of a weed-eater. OOOOhhhhhweeee did we drive that dog nuts. Though the old mobile – no wait, this was a Trailer – did not possess a fireplace, once the weeds were wacked, we discovered piles and piles of firewood. It was all neatly stacked and packed with loads of black widows, ants, mystery spiders and pincher-bugs (that’s what Kelly calls them). Oh, the fun. Once the weeds were down, it was a matter of clean-up. We have seven different fruit trees and a pointless (fruitless) mulberry – all of which were grossly overgrown and in need of whacking. Also, the previous owners were kind enough to leave for us the majority of the junk that had accumulated over the years. So, after another few weeks of work, we had piled it all at the front of the property,...

MacArthur and the ID Debate

I finished watching the Larry King Live debate over Intelligent Design about an hour ago. MacArthur and Chopra always make such discussions etertaining. Does Deepak Chopra really understand anything he is saying? MacArthur did well except perhaps for one of his final comments, challenging a congressman on his legitimacy as a representative since the congressman did not want to accept Genesis three. Good point, probably best left unsaid on Larry King Live. I found it interesting to once again hear the evolutionist supporter, Dr. Barbara Forrest, state again and again that Science cannot discuss God. No matter where the evidence might lead, evolutionists begin with a presumption that God cannot be involved. If you missed the discussion, read the...