Catching Up

Catching Up

I’ve been away from The Capranica for a few days – trying to catch up on other issues around church and home. About the same time the Pyromanic’s computer went down, mine did too. It has been too painful to speak about until now. Needless to say, I am not an HP fan any longer. I tend to be overly protective of my laptops [no feminized coffee, coke, etc., carelessly spilled on the precious package] and yet I am on my third one in three years. For my own sanity and health, I will say no more on this issue. Speaking of the PyroGuy – he tends to think that my mugshot is far too classy [he used the term staid] to allow me to be among the pups at Fide-O [another place where The Capranica posts blog-stuff]. If I’m too staid, how would you describe this. Interesting articles I did not get to (but some I hope to blog about soon): Tom Ascol at The Founders’ Blog illustrates the fallacy of numbers and church health by examining a well-known SBC megachurch’s ACP numbers. Great evidence of “numbers aint everything.” The Jollyblogger records his pilgrimage from pre to a millennialism. I hope to say a bit more about this at another time. He also provides an interesting evaluation of why he thinks Satan is bound today. This one’s in my cross hairs also. Ligon Duncan is happy that C.J. Mahaney preached at John MacArthur’s church this past Sunday. It gives more evidence of how people can come Together for the Gospel. Challies does a preview of Mark Dever and...

The Ever-Changing Charts of Evolution

Archeologists in the former Soviet republic of Georgia are said to have found a skull of a pre-human ancestor, driving back the evolutionary charts for human existence in Europe by at least a million years. I wonder why it is that the more they dig and the more they find, the more the dogmaticians of atheistic archeology must change their infalliable scientific conclusions? Here’s another link in the missing evidence for...

John Roberts and Religious Freedom

Christopher Levenick published an interesting article today at The Weekly Standard detailing the differences of Sandra O’Connor and John Roberts in relationship to the establishment clause in the Constitution. Interesting...