by Bret Capranica | Aug 16, 2005 | Uncategorized
Harvard University is preparing to throw its financial and intellectual weight into the evolution debate. Over the next few years, the university plans to spend 1 million dollars each year toward discovering the origins of mankind. According to the report linked above, the university appears to be looking at more logical conclusions, not merely scientific conclusions. Consider the following quote: “My expectation is that we will be able to reduce this to a very simple series of logical events that could have taken place with no divine intervention,” said David R. Liu, a professor of chemistry and chemical biology at Harvard. Ah, yes. This is once again a perfect example of the Objectivity of Science Cult. Our minds are already made up before we begin. We are not seeking objective evidence. We are seeking evidence with an a-priori stance that there is no intelligent designer behind our world’s existence. Before a dollar is even spent, Harvard’s study is already flawed. Harvard has just given a group of evolutionists a very big credit card for a study in which the outcome has already been...
by Bret Capranica | Aug 14, 2005 | Uncategorized
I have been away at a plannig retreat with the other two pastors I serve with – therefore, no blogging since Wednesday. However, here are a few tidbits from the week that I enjoyed reading and considered (but didn’t) blogging about: Professor and pastor, Jim Hamilton, posted a great discussion on elders in Southern Baptist Churches. Some Christian rock music artists (??) seem to be too hard or seedy to gain the blessing of the already theologically loose Christian music gurus. Don’t worry guys, CCM will eventually capitualate to just about anything that wants to call itself Christian. Rick Warren thinks that the recent separation of the Southern Baptist Convention from the Baptist World Alliance was done in error. Rick doesn’t want to separate from anyone. His new reformation seeks to bring all Christians together. Al Mohler posts some great commentary on expository preaching. Part 1 Part 2 Part...
by Bret Capranica | Aug 10, 2005 | Uncategorized
The public debate on euthanasia tends to focus its attention upon the extremes, while ignoring the normal. We normally hear of the need to nix a life when that life is in extreme physical pain and death by natural causes is near or to go on living would simply be minute by minute agony. Opponents of euthanasia often suggest that euthanasia, if legally allowed, would bring a host of people to the death doctor for less than extreme cases. Usually such opponents are belittled for a lack of sensitivity to the tough cases among the terminally ill. The Netherlands, the liberal testing grounds for all things unethical, has just exposed the true colors of euthanasia. According to a report from the Archives of Internal Medicine, revealed that 20% of the doctors in The Netherlands had received euthanasia requests and 44% of the requests resulted in doctor assisted suicide, including taking the life of terminally ill infants. Note, from the article, why people in the Netherlands are seeking death rather than life: Project leader Bregje Onwuteaka-Philipsen said she was surprised that “the most important reasons for doing the request are not strictly medical.” The survey asked physicians the reasons that patients in their most recent euthanasia case sought help in ending their own lives, with the most frequent being pointless suffering, loss of dignity and weakness. In cases in which doctors denied the requests, the most common reasons were not wanting to be a burden on their family, tired of living and depression. The 13 percent of patients who decided ultimately not to pursue euthanasia demonstrates “it is really very...
by Bret Capranica | Aug 9, 2005 | Uncategorized
Rick Santorum has been hailed as a possible 2008 presidential candidate and a frequent standard bearer for conservative Christians. He was recently highlighted on the cover of World Maganize and noted for championing conservative Christian values. But according to the referenced Reuters report, he does not hold to a conservative Christian viewpoint on creation. Recognizing that even those within the Intelligent Design community do not all see eye-to-eye on whether the creation of the earth was accomplished in the six days the Bible speaks of or the millions of years proposed by evolutionists, they do all nonetheless acknowledge that the world is not a product of coincidental chance from some uncreated and unprovoked cosmic explosion. Like Senator Frist’s latest capitulation, Mr. Santorum’s dislike of the creationist position no doubt has much to do with his personal positioning for the next presidential contest, but is another reason why we Christians should stop placing our hope for a livable society in the hands of conservative politicians. Such politicians are more ready to drop the conservative before they do the politician element of their...
by Bret Capranica | Aug 8, 2005 | Bookreviews, Uncategorized
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is urging denominational divestment from a number of US companies because, as the Prebyterians assert, they are helping Israel in the occupation of Palestinian territory. The New York Times story linked above notes that only one company was targeted for divestment on the Palestinian side of the struggle due to their alleged funneling of money to families of suicide bombers. What is the rationale behind this move? Is the rationale theological? Minimally. Some within the Presbyterian Church of American (a somewhat more conservative branch of Presbyterians), issues an open letter through Knox Theological Seminary some time ago, urging Christians not to support Israel based on their eschatological stance. Based on their Covenant Theological grid of viewing the world and the Scriptures, they assert that the current secular nation of Israel has no biblical right to the land (the church has replaced a political Israel) and therefore should not be supported by evangelicals. No doubt this Covenant kind of theology is a foundational aspect for the more liberal brand of Presbyterians in the PCUSA. I agree that the current secular state of Israel is not the one mentioned by the prophets as those who should inherit the land, but not because of a skewed view that the Church has somehow spiritualized all of the Old Testament promises to Israel. Jeremiah 31:31-34 suggests that Israel and Judah will inherit the land when their heart is changed and the nation once again obeys the Lord. However, the PC USA no doubt is more influenced by their social liberal leanings, of which the NY Times report draws attention. Rather...