Tweets for 2011-06-18

Worth the read: 4 of 4 Bret Capranica's Testimony # Just survived a 3 on one onslaught of basketball, track, tackle football, gun fight, and wrestling match-I need reinforcements-crazy kids. # Captivated by the Aristocats: # The Fam just sang "One Day" (the old hymn) to Casting Crown's new tune-it's our song of the month. They can really belt out the chorus! # Worth the read: Worship Style”¦ # Profound themes in Genesis 1-11. Significant message that the Holy Spirit constructed through Moses. Praying for wisdom in teaching today. # @walterprice do you think they employed former Beaumont police? # Brie-"Mom can we the song where God kicks them in the face?" huh? Oh-you mean "God kicked them them out of Eden"-Our God is an Awesome God. # @mrclm indeed! # @karapeters I attribute it to her watching too much Star Wars recently. # Off to the church-wide picnic-perhaps the weathermen have Harold Camping's approach to predictions. # Great time with an awesome group at the park. So grateful to the Paterson's who organized and all those who cooked! Great cherry desserts!! # On to Phoenix with @DawsonBryant! # Pretty nice weather: # Yessiree the baptists are here: # Here looking for @demsbad but he's hiding from us: # Worth the read: Coverage from Phoenix SBC Annual Meeting # Worth the read: Hallowed Be Your Name # @caddiechaplain I am here-will be there to hear Grudem-will look for you. # On our way to hear Wayne Grudem. Really looking forward to this. # Grudem went through his book on Politics-interesting stuff....

Tweets for 2011-06-11

Your way, O God, is holy. What god is great like our God? # Worth the read: The Most Urgent Need in the Church # I will ponder all your work, and meditate on your mighty deeds. # With upright heart he shepherded them and guided them with his skillful hand. # Worth the read: Oregon woman develops foreign accent after surgery (AP) # Worth the read: Grace Community Church Live Stream # Worth the read: Oregon woman develops foreign accent after surgery (AP) # But we your people…will give thanks to you forever; from generation to generation we will recount your praise. Ps79.13 # Worth the read: Those Guys Have All the Fun: A tour of ESPN's church of sports. # Worth the read: Biblical Theology and Church Picnics # Afternoons were made for French Roast in a French Press. Ahh! # Great day of studying Genesis-now on to a great evening of Bible study and meeting with my brother elders. # I love meetings! … at Starbucks! # "Now therefore fear the LORD and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Put away the gods that your fathers… # Looking forward to lunch with the infamous Al Jiron and pastor @jimelliff. # My next two meetings should be wonderful ministry forming conversations. # @jimelliff so enjoyed meeting you also Jim. Looking forward to serving the Savior alongside you in KC. # "Men & boys play rough, you never know what they're going to do"-pithy points by Brie. # Great time studying Titus this morning with the men's...
Preparing for Sunday: Genesis 1-11

Preparing for Sunday: Genesis 1-11

Carefully Think “¢ If you have the time, read through Genesis 1-11 and make a list of the most significant events in these chapters. “¢ Who are most significant people in these chapters? “¢ What do you learn about man and his relationship to God from these chapters? “¢ For a more significant reading, read through Genesis 1-11 and underline every phrase that indicates God”™s activity. What do you learn about God? Prayerfully Meditate “¢ From reading through Genesis 1-11, what issues of life are brought up in these chapters and where do you see them (i.e., marriage, worship, interpersonal relationships, sin, parenting, pride, humility, dependence on God, etc.)? “¢ Which of these issues is most relevant to your life right now? Why? What does the book of Genesis suggest is most biblical way to deal with it? How? Intentionally Act “¢ Make a list of any appropriate responses you think would help you apply your answer given in the last statement above. When and how can you carry these out, by God”™s grace, and in absolute dependence upon him? “¢ Make a list of issues or subject raised in Genesis 1-11 that you would like to give greater study or attention to. Which one should you begin addressing? When could you begin studying it further (this week?)? “¢ Pray for our church as a whole that we will all respond to God”™s word corporately. “¢ Pray for those who will be leading us through the service Sunday. Pray that our hearts will honor God and that our actions will be helpful in edifying the entire body. “¢ Meditate...

Tweets for 2011-06-04

These guys needed some pretty faces and a splash of color: # and my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power 1 Cor 2.4 # that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God. # Worth the read: 7 Thoughts on Time Management # Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? # RT @albertmohler: A thought for my day: "Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing." — Benjamin Franklin # @SummitWoodsBC: SWBC Weekly Newsletter –