Preparing for Sunday: Gospel-Centered Living Romans 12:14-21

Preparing for Sunday: Gospel-Centered Living Romans 12:14-21

Carefully Think Read Romans 12:14-21. From this passage what ways are given to display the gospel when you are personally wronged or hurt. Can you think of any recent event, interaction, or issue in your life that one of these ways you listed above would apply? What constitutes persecution (v 14)? Who are the lowly (v 16)? Who would biblically be considered your enemy (v 20)? Prayerfully Meditate Which of the ways to respond, among those you listed above, seems to speak most pointedly to you? Why? Pray and ask God to give you wisdom in how you should apply the exhortation you see in the passage.  Write out a few ways you could apply one or two of these exhortations. Intentionally Act Who do you need to speak to this week in light of how you responded above? Could you send a note of encouragement to someone? What are practical ways you could take the initiative to make sure you are living at peace with someone you find yourself at odds (v 18)? Pray for our church as a whole that we would evidence the characteristics mentioned in this passage. Pray for those who will be leading and assisting us in worship today. Pray that we honor the Lord and encourage each other in our gathering this week. Meditate on the lyrics of the songs we will be singing (see below).  To listen to or download the songs, click on the links below. Songs we will sing: All Creatures Of Our God And King Before the Cross When I Survey Lyrics: Morning Service – June 5,...
Preparing for Sunday-Gospel Centered Living: Romans 12:9-13

Preparing for Sunday-Gospel Centered Living: Romans 12:9-13

This week’s message will be the first of a 2 part series entitled, “Gospel-Centered Living” from Romans 12:9-13. Carefully Think Read Romans 12:9-13.  Make a list of what the different characteristics you find here. After listing each one, try and write down a short definition of what each of them means.  Can you think of any other Scriptures that would help you define them? What is the connection between these verses and the ones preceding them? Prayerfully Meditate How could you practically and consciously give attention to so many different gospel-driven characteristics? Which ones seem to be most practical to you in your life at the current moment? Why? What sin should you confess? Any relationships that need attention? How grateful should you be for the characteristics you do see in your life? Spend a few moments in prayerful reflection, confession, and thanksgiving. Intentionally Act Circle the characteristic that needs the most attention in your life. List the top 3 actions you can begin to take, by God”™s enabling grace, to strengthen this characteristic in your own life? Have you seen any of these characteristics uniquely demonstrated in the someone else”™s life? Who? How? Write them a note expressing how grateful you are to see God”™s grace being expressed in them. Or take a minute to have a personal conversation with them and express how you have seen God”™s grace uniquely displayed in their character. Encourage them. Pray for those who will be involved in this week”™s worship gathering Pray that they will all demonstrate these characteristics and help the congregation to focus together on God”™s Word. Pray for...

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