Tweets for 2010-01-17

Tweets for 2010-01-17

RT @productivity501: It’s not the hours you put in your work that count, it’s work you put in the hours.~Sam Ewing # Enjoyed the morning of worship and instruction. About to enjoy an afternoon of a little rest. # Time to prep for tonight: Finance meeting, then prayer for the service, then evening worship. Praying for Erick preaching tonight. # Service is live # RT @Rick_Holland: John MacArthur will be having back surgery for a herniated disk Tuesday morning. I know he would appreciate your prayer. # Having fun this morning playing with the girls-we haven’t been able to for awhile-but now headed back to day 2 of pastoral planning mtg. # Enjoying a few minutes of prayer before breakfast with a beloved brother and friend. # How to meet the Pope: # RT @JohnPiper: Weeping over these pictures from Haiti. # How to Study the Bible-live at # Fun time tonight talking about studying Scripture. Now home to see my beloved. # A morning of meetings with and about internships today-looking forward to it. # Livestreaming Brie’s birthday party today: # Powered by Twitter...
Tweets for 2010-01-10

Tweets for 2010-01-10

Cowboys wins NFC East, Ravens in, Steelers out – Yahoo! News # Hardly moved today-flu stuff has been bad. It lingers on . . . # Just drank a shot of Baptist whiskey (NyQuil) and sipping tea for the throat-hoping for a full night of rest. # Lord, grant that my religion may not be occasional and partial, but universal, influential, effective. #VofV # Acts 1:14-“all these were continually united in prayer…” united prayer-the foundational activity for the church’s development & growth. # About to venture out for the first time since last year-feeling MUCH better. Errands with the fam-should be tons of fun. # Shorter night out than we anticipated, but prolly best. To bed early, hopefully early to rise; we’ll see. # Nexus One vs Droid vs iPhone [Comparison Chart] # RT @drmcmasters: Cool! Doug, I’ll see if I can get some pics for you! # RT @DennyBurk: More Scorn for Hume: The media mouths continue to heap scorn on Brit Hume for his com… # Ac 2:46-“They ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart.” I pray for a joyful simplicity of heart in a complex culture # RT @productivity501: The idle man does not know what it is to enjoy rest.~Albert Einstein # # Ps 3:5, 6; 4:8-a restful night’s sleep is found in one’s confidence in Christ, regardless of thousands of assaults to the contrary. # On the road with Jaron and Jaymen headed for CES. Pray we don’t get lost-my last trip with Jaron was circuitous. # We are here # Can you see this...
Tweets for 2010-01-03

Tweets for 2010-01-03

A new week begins-a fresh cup of French Roast (new grinder used) a new copy of Valley of Vision, a new Bible to read from (HCSB)-good stuff. # I uploaded a YouTube video — Fun@thePark # Paper airplane virtuoso tests record aloft (AP) No, no, it’s really a sport, the article says so. # Final prep for the final Lord’s Day of 2009. # Just finished my annual cleaning of the office closet. Now off to our end of the year Lord’s Supper service. # Conclusion to an encouraging day-@justinjpeters did a good job handling the word-he and Erick are beloved brothers to work alongside. # Mom’s day off today-Dad’s day to wrestle kids all day. Fun times ahead. # A California Christmas tradition: picking oranges and grapefruit off the tree: # Dad’s day away-sort of; I still have some office work to do-then some reading, reflecting, writing, and personal planning. # RT @mindymartin: Biblical support for tweeting: “Like a swallow, like a crane, so I Twitter;” Isaiah 38:14 🙂 # RT @JohnPiper: Olivetree BibleReader Version 4.10. They’ve done it. Greek and Hebrew parsed and defined for iPhone. # Loving a strong cup of French Roast fr the new French Press-oooowheeee! # Had a great date day with Kel-how does a husband end up with more cash in his pocket at the end than the beginning of a shopping spree? # Ah, my beloved is now demanding my new found cash stash from the day. I shoulda spent it at the last store! # Been sick all day-gonna miss our class party tonight and very...
Tweets for 2009-12-27

Tweets for 2009-12-27

Finishing prep for the day; Christmas concert tonight – almost finished with 09 Capranica Clan DVD. Not sold in stores anywhere. # The concert went great tonight-enjoyed seeing many there invited by our members-praying the opportunity bears fruit. # I uploaded a YouTube video — Year in Review # I uploaded a YouTube video — Fun@Home.m4v # US Senate passes sweeping health bill (AFP) # Had a great time with friends from church this evening-fabulous dinner, fun fellowship, grateful for the blessings that come with the gospel # Time to sip my wife’s brilliant Christmas wassail and put the kids new gift together. Will be a short night. # Many sympathies for my parents who stayed up late on Chtistmas eve to surprise us. “Adult Assembly” was an understatement on kids gifts. # “…call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” The one promised has come, our sins atoned for-God is with us. # Time to create some Capranica spaghetti sauce! While it is for lunch later-it could go good for breakfast. # Just finished a fun Christmas with family and took some left over spaghetti to neighbors who needed some encouragement. Time to rest. # I uploaded a YouTube video — Capranicas in November 2009.m4v # I uploaded a YouTube video — Christmas 2009 # Powered by Twitter...
2009 Capranica Clan Year in Review

2009 Capranica Clan Year in Review

While in the process of making our annual family DVD to give to family & close friends, I put together this little pictorial review of all the goings on in our family.  It has been quite an emotional year as a family.  Major high points and some deep moments of trial.  When 2009 began, we could never have imagined what the Lord had in store.  We end 2009 with unbelievably grateful hearts. [YouTube Video] The professional photos were done by the incomparable...