Tweets for 2009-12-19

Tweets for 2009-12-19

Trying to get the brain going this morning. Coffee, where’s the coffee. # Glancing through the headlines-then some heart work. # Can’t sleep, might as well work. # Up to focus my mind on things above (Col 3:1-2). # At my least favorite place-the dentist. Execution scene from Braveheart is about to pop into my head as I lay down next to the “tools” # Freedom! # Time to go play at the park! # Powered by Twitter...
Tweets for 2009-12-12

Tweets for 2009-12-12

Finishing up writing my sermon for tonight, planning for a prayer session in Sunday School, and prepping to lead our worship service this AM # If you are reading this, you probably should also read this: – OK, now back to prep for this evening: Matt 2:1-12. # Just finished my last sermon for the year. Had a great time of worship this evening. # Kicking off another week. Praying for sustaining grace-for eternally significant things to happen this week. Lot's happening. # Enjoying lunch with our office staff and volunteers. # 'The Manhattan Declaration: Why didn”™t you sign it, R.C.?' from Ligonier Ministries # @walterprice singing "there's a hole in the bucket" # Grateful for a challenge from @walterprice and Deryl Lackey tonight at our missions conference; I have such a longing to do more. # RT @JohnPiper: Which has hurt the church more for the last 60 years, bad TV or bad preaching. No contest. Bad preaching. Hosea 4:6 # Thinking much today about missions, cooperation, the pastorate and future ways the Lord would use me-praying and reading. # Off to open an important city Council meeting with prayer. # Packed room full of angry people and protesters. This should be fun. # A little background: 4 of our 5 Councilmen have been indicted for fraud. Thankful we can bring our city's conscience before God tonight. # The lone unindicted Council member nominated himself as mayor. Tensions are running high as citizens speak. # You can watch the proceedings at Public comments still going on about election of Mayor. # Our Council just...
Praying for Our City at a Unique Time

Praying for Our City at a Unique Time

This evening, I had the privilege to pray at our city Council meeting.  This was the second occasion I have enjoyed this honor.  I was asked to deliver the invocation just before it was publicly revealed that 4 of our 5 Councilmen have been indicted for political corruption. Tonight was the Council’s first meeting since the indictments were handed down. I saw it as my task to simply bring our collective conscience before God – and plead for His grace to oversee the proceedings with mercy, and for all involved to conduct themselves with honor and integrity.  Below is the text of my prayer: Our God and our Father, How grateful we are that this meeting can begin with an appeal for you to be uniquely present in this meeting of our city council. These particular days and this particular meeting reflects numerous and distinct challenges for our city and its leadership.  These challenges remind us that we are in need of someone greater than ourselves to navigate our way.  Your knowledge is complete, ours is not.  Your wisdom is perfect, ours is far from it.  Your answers are without error, while ours are full of human limitation.  That”™s why we invoke your specific and unique presence in this meeting.  Grant us a consciousness that we stand before our creator first and foremost in what we do and what we say. We ask for your grace to be full in its display among our city leaders this evening.  May their minds be guided by principles that would reflect your righteousness.  May their speech be reflective of the humility of...