By the Way

If you would like to follow the proceedings of the convention, check out the live feed at  Also, I and Pastor James Billings will be blogging on the convention over at our new Pastors’ Perspectives blog.  Check it...

From the Shrine of the Motherland

That’s right, I’m blogging today (and hopefully through Wednesday) from the shrine of Texas Independence, San Antonio, Texas. While I am rooting for the Spurs to take it all, I’m actually here to attend the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention. I have the privilege to attend this year with a fellow pastor, James Billings and a brother church member, Justin Peters. After a long Lord’s day, actually ending into early this morning and a few hours sleep, I joined my two other convention cohorts to make it to the Ontario Airport and begin our flight to SA via Express Jet (a new airline deserving of an entire blog-post – actually quite positive). This convention will be a little bit of a reminiscent one for me. I attended my first SBC in 1988 in San Antonio. It was amazingly memorable. Adrian Rodgers was the President, Jerry Vines was elected to become president. W. A. Criswell preached his famous “skunk” sermon, a motion was made to have a woman preach the annual sermon (it was booed and shouted down) and a small group of moderates marched out of the convention hall and down to the Alamo to publicly burn a resolution affirming pastoral authority in the local church. What a time. From what I have been reading on a number of blogs over the past week (really, over the past year), this year may not be as bombastic as the 1988 Convention, but it is beginning to heat up. For those of you who know, tell me if I’m reading things right. There is an old guard (the leaders...

Baptist Associations

Nathan Finn publishes a series of posts on Baptist Associations worth reading and considering: What Does It Mean for Local Baptist Churches to Associate Together? Models of Baptist Associationalism The Rationale for Baptist Associations More Associational...

Good Idea for Churches

Chris Meirose points us to Andy Stanley’s new church admin site.  Good idea for churches to offer ideas on what and how they do what they do. North Point Ministries Administration I would also recommend Eric Geiger’s site -a pastor from Florida and author of Simple Church.  See how they plan and execute...