by Bret Capranica | Aug 15, 2006 | Ecclesiology, Southern Baptist Issues
At 28, Pastor Has Five Degrees and a 4,300-Member Flock – Christianity Today Magazine Ineresting. Two Master’s Degree and a Doctorate at 28. Some maturity to boot. We should pray for this young...
by Bret Capranica | Aug 11, 2006 | Culture, Ecclesiology
Church in unholy row with strip club – Yahoo! News Oops! An Australian church sold some property to a bar and shockingly, the bar now wants to add a strip show to their business portfolio. Even more amazing is the statement of church dean Reverend Lindsay Stoddart who said that the bar was about to violate the “moral covenants” in the lease agreement. How so? The church, in the agreement, says that the bar is prevented from using the building for any “immoral purpose.” I suppose helping being become drunk does not violate the church’s agreement. The moral of the story. When the church is going to sell their property or lease it to a bar, make sure the only immoral acts the bar intends to engage in are the ones our church members are church members are presently engaged. Don’t let them go beyond the acceptable...
by Bret Capranica | Aug 10, 2006 | Ecclesiology, Southern Baptist Issues
Terror Plot on SBC Churches Foiled – purgatorio Yikes! This was too close for my consumption comfort.
by Bret Capranica | Aug 9, 2006 | Ecclesiology, Southern Baptist Issues
Founders Ministries Blog: Former President of the SBC misrepresents opponents of resolution #5 This is not the first time. Tom Ascol’s rebuke is...
by Bret Capranica | Aug 4, 2006 | Ecclesiology, Southern Baptist Issues
W.A. Criswell’s widow, Betty, dies at 93 – (BP) No end of the speculation and conjecture could be reached as long as Mrs. C. remained alive and influential at FBC Dallas. Three + pastors following the great pulpiteer, W.A. Criswell, the church may now be able to find a man to shepherd the...
by Bret Capranica | Aug 4, 2006 | Blogging, Ecclesiology
Desiring God 2006 National Conference Blog HT: Justin...