Interviews Archives - THE CAPRANICA
What Should We Think of This? Rick Warren, Homosexuality, and An Oridnary Pastor

What Should We Think of This? Rick Warren, Homosexuality, and An Oridnary Pastor

Without my comment, watch this one first: Then watch this one (it’s long and has more issues – but you will see the related material): From his own statements, what do you think?  Are fundamentalists picking on small issues here?  Is this the most helpful way to both speak to Scripture truth and reach out to the homosexual community?  Is Rick pursuing a path on this issue that should be modeled?  What should we think from one of the most visible professing Chrisitans and pastors in America? Compare to this pastor in Iowa: See the RAW video of Eric’s interview HERE. Read Eric’s recent article to Baptist Press...

Mark Driscoll Defends Satan

See Mark Driscoll very capably defend the Christian faith and the validity of Scripture in a nationally televised debate over the existence of Satan.  While the ABC links are a bit irritating to navigate through the whole show, it is worth your while to watch. Nightline Face-Off – ABC...