The Life of An Ordinary Pastor

This past Wednesday during my quiet time, I finished reading D. A. Carson’s book, Memoirs of An Ordinary Pastor. I cannot think of a book in recent memory that has moved me so emotionally. I see myself as an ordinary pastor.  In fact, weeks before the book was published I wrote a post about being an ordinary pastor. I had actually put down in writing a plan for a number of “Ordinary Pastor” posts, but I put them all on the shelf until I could obtain and read through Carson’s book. The most compelling portions for me in the book are his stalwart commitments to work hard in study, evangelism, prayer and family. Reading of his unwavering commitment to his wife during her Alzheimer years challenged me now to be more devoted to my wife and children. Learning of his final years of life – how full they were of commitment to serving the church, study hard and give himself to future generations of pastors, inspired a sense of renewed devotion within me. D. A. Carson’s final words about his father cap off what is a most excellent book: Tom Carson never rose very far in denominational structures, but hundreds of people in the Outaouais and beyond testify how much he loved them. He never wrote a book, but he loved the Book. He was never wealthy or powerful, but he kept growing as a Christian: yesterday’s grace was never enough. He was not a farsighted visionary, but he looked forward to eternity. He was not a gifted administrator, but there is no text that says, “By this shall...

Carson’s Moving Memoirs

I recently picked up this book and I’ve recently begun reading it in my quiet time.  I view myself as an ordinary pastor and very much enjoy the bliss of the ordinary. Carson’s Moving Memoirs :: Desiring God...