Warren on Reading

Rick Warren has seven good tips on building better reading habits among pastors. Pastors.com | Encouraging pastors and church...

Give Away a Christian Book

From the Deisring God Pastors’ Conference Booklet – 50 Ways to Give Away a Christian Book: Give one to a believer to encourage them Give one to your neighbor Give one at the local store Give one to everyone in your study group Give one to a Jehovah’s Witness Give one to the next visitor at your office Give one instead of a Christmas card Give one to the new person at church Give one to the gas station attendant Give one to the sales assistant Give one to the car mechanic Give one to the cashier at the garden center Give one to your pastor Give one to the person next to you in the elevator Give one to your dentist Give one to your doctor Give one to your child’s teacher at school Give one to the paperboy Give one to each child in Sunday School Give one to someone who is hurting Give one to the next charity collector you see Give one out at the retirement party Give one to your bank manager Give one to your work mate Give one to the receptionist Give one to your child’s friend Give one to your boss Give one to the salesman Give one to the community gardener Give one to your secretary Give one to the policeman Give one to someone who is ill Give one to your accountant Give one to the postman Give one to the waitress Give one to your weight watchers class Give one to your missionary friend Give one to a teenager Give one to a parent Give one to your...