A President’s Work Habits

Being a productivity junkie as well as a lover of presidential history, I found this brief article about President Ford’s work routine to be interesting.  I’m not in to cottage cheese and ketchup, but I can relate to the restlessness ’til the work is done syndrome. KESQ NewsChannel 3 Palm Springs, CA: Ford’s White House secretary remembers his routine, and his work...

Time Management Triage

Here is a good article reviewing tips on making the most of your time by making wise decisions those thing to which you will give your most attention.  The article sounds a lot like a portion of Covey’s 7 Habits. Good New Year’s Resolution reading....

GTD, Support Staff and Teams

Being one who works with a team and sees the value of an Administrative Assistance, this is a good review of how the popular Getting Things Done can work with teams and Admin Assts. Ideamatt on GTD with support staff | 43...