Will You Switch to Office 07?

Not for you Macintrash users, but for those of us who live in the real world and enjoy the flexibility and software availability of a PC, will you be switching (or have you switched) to Office 07? Last week I downloaded the 60 day trial for the new Office Professional Suite 07. I could not be more impressed. The Business Contact Manager with Outlook will seamlessly synchronize our church’s membership records between all three of our pastors. We can instantaneously share, update and correct information associated with our membership files. All we do is turn our computer on and connect to the internet. Groove is rapidly becoming an essential for us as we are constantly sharing files and information. This tool allows us to collaborate on ministry projects and have them seamlessly and instantaneously updated by anyone on our team. Thanks to Denny Burk’s post, I am also using the new Word to write and publish this post. Have you seen the way the new Word handles footnoting for papers? This should help immensely with my project. We are also toying with a few of Microsoft’s other features that may prove helpful. I’ll mention them in the future as we find them...

Some Christmas Vacation Reflections

Kelly and I returned from our trip to Texas late on Wednesday evening. The Lord was kind to give us a flawless trip there and back (around 2200 miles of driving). We had enjoyable visits with friends and family and a relaxing Christmas weekend. It has been a year and a half since our entire family has been together (we did miss Aaron this time though – my youngest sister’s husband) and we had a very enjoyable time together. I have two younger sisters, Jill, and Dana. Jill is a single mother (divorced) of three incredible kids, Ahston, Avery and Austin. Dana is married to Aaron and has two beautiful children, Danae and Jaden. Dana surprised us all with the announcement that she and Aaron will be having a third child in July! Christmas Eve was a fun time opening gifts together, listening to music CDs that the kids received and seeing them put on a great dance show and contest for us. That morning, we worshiped at the church my dad pastors, Busland Baptist Church in Bushland, Texas. He has been there for about four and a half years now. I was encouraged with the number of people present (it is quite small) and the genuine kindness that they showed to Kelly and me. Jill and her daughter Avery sang a beautiful song together, “Remember Me.” Being in the Texas Panhandle, the church has a number of people connected to the farming and ranching industries. Smiley was one such individual in the church. He got up just before the message to recite a poem. Honestly, I began to...

Enjoyed the Visit

Though the visits are never long enough, today Kelly and I did enjoy getting to see a number of friends from the church I served here in Amarillo. Almost all of the adults in the following pictures came to know Christ at Fellowship Baptist Church in Amarillo. They are precious people to me and I was so encouraged to see how they are serving the Lord...

Off to the Motherland

Kelly and I are heading off to the great nation of Texas – in just a few hours.  We expect to spend Christmas with my parents and sisters in Amarillo, Texas, my hometown.  If our hotel has internet, I’ll check in and maybe post some pics and catch up on some material I’ve wanted to keep up with.  Enjoy your...

Adrian and Grudem 7

Part 7 of the interview series:  why Grudem believes the cessationism issue is a dead one for cessationists (I disagree with his interpretation – but think his irenic attitude is healthy) and how he has rethought his view of baptism as a requirement for church membership. Adrian’s Blog: INTERVIEW – Wayne Grudem, Part Seven – Things We Can Agree to Disagree...