
Why Churches Should Not Sell Their Property to Bars

Church in unholy row with strip club – Yahoo! News Oops!  An Australian church sold some property to a bar and shockingly, the bar now wants to add a strip show to their business portfolio. Even more amazing is the statement of church dean Reverend Lindsay Stoddart who said that the bar was about to violate the “moral covenants” in the lease agreement.  How so?  The church, in the agreement, says that the bar is prevented from using the building for any “immoral purpose.” I suppose helping being become drunk does not violate the church’s agreement. The moral of the story.   When the church is going to sell their property or lease it to a bar, make sure the only immoral acts the bar intends to engage in are the ones our church members are church members are presently engaged.  Don’t let them go beyond the acceptable... read more

I Want a Blank Bible – UPDATED

The Works of Jonathan Edwards, Vol. 24 Just like the rest of the Yale series – I’d love to own it but don’t want to pay for it. This one is quite tempting though. UPDATE:  Be sure to catch the video blog just released about The Blank Bible.  Now I really want to own a copy of... read more

Schreiner on Preaching

Between Two Worlds: Schreiner on Preaching and Biblical Theology Twice I have had the privilege of attending the church where Dr. Schreiner preaches.  Once I have had the privilege to sit in a class he has taught.  Several times, I have had the joy of reading Dr. Schreiner.  This is a worth-while article on preaching and biblical... read more

Accountability Therapy?

Between Two Worlds: Accountability Groups Justin Taylor points to a great article exposing some of the dangers of and a good approach to accountability groups. I would hope that my relationship to my wife and my fellow pastors is one that prods me to greater holiness and accountability before the Lord.  I’m not sure we are as deliberate as the article suggest. Anyone out there in a deliberate accountability group – what have been the benefits and... read more

I Married Late – Glad I Waited

Men Marrying Late — Or Not At All Actually, I was 31 when I was married – five years ago this coming September. I suppose that is not late according to th NY Times article quoted by Dr. Mohler. In fact, I give credit to Dr. Mohler for my proposing to my wife when I did. Dr. Mohler was the commencement speaker when I graduated with my MDiv. from The Master’s Seminary (2001). He graciously agreed to speak to a group of Southern Baptist pastors the next morning and take a few questions. I don’t remember how it got started, but Dr. Mohler began to bag on “single pastors” – of which I was one and had been for about fourteen years at that point. He began his tirade about how a man could not be an effective shepherd as a single man. I didn’t take it so well. He even tried to quote Scripture in indicating that an overseer should be “the husband of one wife.” He did stop a little short in that conversation in demanding that pastors have children in order to be qualified. Yet, what was a single, presumably ineffective pastor, fresh with his MDiv. to do? Well, it was easy for me. That night, with fresh motivation (who can or should buck the wisdom of a man like Mohler), I proposed to the woman who is now my wife. Three months later we were married. Five years later – I’m still glad I waited until I was old. I suppose I should say that I was already planning to propose to Kelly that evening.... read more

The Criswell Era is Over

W.A. Criswell’s widow, Betty, dies at 93 – (BP) No end of the speculation and conjecture could be reached as long as Mrs. C. remained alive and influential at FBC Dallas.  Three + pastors following the great pulpiteer, W.A. Criswell, the church may now be able to find a man to shepherd the... read more

Blogging and Influence

Challies Dot Com: Influential Bloggers Always thoughtful and measured – one of the most influential bloggers (regardless of how you define influence), Tim Challies writes on the influence of blogging.  What makes for an influential blog?  Tim has some good points.  Too bad I make no use of... read more

Piper – Emerging From His Sabbatical

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You The link is to John Piper’s open letter to his church on his return from a five month sabbatical.  This is great reading.  I’m very thankful for this man’s commitment to Christ, and in light of my last post – his hard... read more



Worth Your Time

C.J., Lig, Al, Mark, et. al. Mark Dever and Company John Piper John MacArthur Phil Johnson and Friends the same says it all.